Kaus Insurance


Research and analysis, design user flows, create wireframes,

brand design, illustrate visual assets, UI design, usability testing



Kaus is conceptual client, an established insurance agency that needs to refresh its brand and branch out from selling policies directly to agents to allowing individuals to purchase their own insurance online.


Discover the needs of individual insurance customers, and design an intuitive and comprehensive online shopping experience that reflects updated and refreshed branding.


  • Research the market and potential customers

  • Build the information architecture

  • Develop the user journey

  • Refresh the brand and develop style guidelines

  • Design product interface


Competitive Analysis

Research into market trends and competitors in the personal insurance industry formed a baseline of expectations, needs, and tools that exist globally in the online space.


Empathy Research

Interviews with online insurance customers revealed the variety of frustrations and successes experienced when purchasing or adjusting policies. Customers generally feel somewhat confident, but appreciate easily accessible support. Synthesizing the data through spectrum and empathy mapping resulted in Ashley Wilson, our online insurance customer persona.


From IA to site map

An OptimalSort card-sorting study revealed surprising policy correlations, which prompted the idea of recommended products by circumstance. And the resulting information architecture, along with priorities selected for a feature roadmap guided the development of the site map.


User Flows

Designing the user journey through the Ashely’s perspective provided user insight through a variety of entries and task flows to complete a purchase.


Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Refining the user journey meant rethinking earlier sketch mockups of the homepage. Small adjustments in the navigation options and layout were reflected in mid-fidelity wireframes that simplified the main call to action while adhering to a responsive grid.


Defining the Branding Guidelines

Using the company concept in the project brief, brand theme brainstorming inspired a logo design, color palette, typography choices, and other stylistic guidelines.

Style Tile Wide transparent-03.png

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Brand guidelines, combined with custom designed icons and illustrations and carefully selected stock photos, elevated the mid-fidelity wireframes to the feel of polished pages.


Usability Testing and Final Prototype

An initial prototype was tested through task assignment with several participants, revealing needed clarity in call to action labels, extra checkout confirmation, and a few other adjustments. The final wireframes and prototype addressed the expectations of participants.


All She Wrote Productions (ux/ui)